Review: Girl Scout | Panda Swim | Coach Party

Photos: Sam Taylor/Loud Noises Mag

Words: Sam Taylor/Mr Teeth Reviews

Girl Scout – Wedgewood Rooms Review

“It’s like a prom in here” enthusiastically proclaimed Girl Scout as they took the early slot at the Wedgewood Rooms.

The Scandinavian band being the opening for local-ish lovelies Coach Party. With a busy night ahead, this tour certainly provides some well-deserved exposure for the group. Albeit faced with the potentially daunting task of being first on.

Yet despite the short set, there was still some fun to be had in the form of a (rather good) jazzy commercial break. During which Girl Scout directed the audience towards the merch stand.

Here fans could discover the 2 EPs released by the band. In the past having been compared to the likes of the Breeders (featuring Kim Deal of Pixies fame) and at times you can see why. However, when turning down the fuzz pedal, the latest single “Bruises” from the “Granny Music” EP has a much more alt-folk vibe about it that comes across rather well on the small stage.

Certainly a group to look out for and one who will hopefully return as headliners once they’ve released more material.

Girl Scout Wedgewood Rooms

Girl Scout – Live Portsmouth 2023

Panda Swim – Wedgewood Rooms Review

Having missed the memo about a 2nd support act, it was a nice surprise to discover Panda Swim were somewhat reminiscent of American indie rockers Weezer. In particular when it came to the song “Dinosaur” taken from their own Loser EP.

Although these Pandas haven’t travelled as far as the USA, they proudly announced being “from across the water but still with a PO postcode… cue the boos”. Yet, with the likes of other Isle of Wight acts such as Wet Leg, Plastic Mermaids and Coach Party making a name for themselves, I think anyone from Portsmouth will happily take them as one of our own.

Panda Swim

Panda Swim – Live Portsmouth 2023

Coach Party – Wedgewood Rooms Review

As for the headliners, the crowd at the Wedgewood Rooms eagerly awaited Coach Party and it was soon easy to see why the venue was so busy. After all, it wasn’t just the Isle of Wighters having a night out on the mainland.

An eager fan held out a sign “What’s the Point in Life… to See You” in homage to the Coach Party single. As is the power of music. Yet the song itself has a rather jolly, catchy and uplifting chorus… despite its downbeat lyrical content.

This early track set the tone for the rest of the performance, with a bunch of short bursts that make up the band’s first full-length LP “Killjoy”. On record it’s somewhere between an alternative power-pop album and punk rock. Whereas live the Coach Party engine runs on pure joyful energy.

Coach Party Review

Coach Party – Live Portsmouth 2023

Big thanks to Sam at Loud Noises Magazine for attending on behalf of Mr Teeth Reviews.

More of her pics can be found here.

Girl Scout, Panda Swim, Coach Party

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